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Why NFT?

Because it’s what I’ve always been missing in the art of motion pictures. In most other creative fields you have an outlet for your art. A singer can at any time sing, a dancer can dance, and all a painter has to do is pick up a brush and pour their soul onto a blank canvas. Such outlets are extremely liberating and necessary for the survival of a creative soul.

I have felt this need ever since I began in filmmaking, but the further my visions took me, the more complex it became to align the immense resources and people generally expected for a feature film. As the commercial forces requires the filmmaker to make nothing short of an episodic or a feature — those are the formats required for distribution.

Until now.


Short form entertainment –  is a big part of the future, and has in many ways taken over as the preferred format in content viewing. Exclusive and limited NFT distribution of short form motion picture content will offer an unparalleled setting for audience experience — on par with the stories presented in streaming and on the big screen.


Same universe – All Masterson NFT’s will follow the storyline and continuity of the major cinematic titles playing for audiences globally. Offering unique spin-off character arcs, special events and connectivity between the large chapters. This ensures that a larger part of the 150 book universe by Louis Masterson is captured on screen.


Highly Exclusive — by limited viewing only, for its owners, who may chose to re-sell them when demand meets desired market value. Edition size of NFT’s will correlate to the scale of its production. Early NFT’s will likely be more scarce as they were created with limited budgets, while larger budget productions could be minted in larger numbers.

Everything starts with the books

3-4 major productions per year will only scratch the surface of the stories to tell in the Masterson universe — however, short form motion picture style NFT’s will open this up exponentially. I will be making these whenever time permits, and, by inviting new filmmakers who in their own right are passionate to tackle this universe — in a feeble attempt to match the prolific Louis Masterson, the authors,  productivity!


Pages from a book is selected for screen adaption and production, subject to an available budget. Regardless of scale, pre-production is handled with the same discipline as a major motion picture; storyboarding, production design of costumes and sets, and casting, set construction/dressing etc.

Roll cameras

Productions are filmed in Alicante and Almeria, Spain — the base of operations for the Masterson productions, and like the material calls for, the NFT’s will also be shot on extraordinary locations around the world.

It began with “No Tears… NFT #001″ which was shot on a Bolex EL 16MM camera, to become the first Masterson NFT of the 16mm collection.  It was made with such limited resources… total cast and crew of 2 people (me included), that was all I could afford at the time, and my entire budget went into the materials required to build set, crafting costumes, props, and purchasing film stock. I even returned the wood flooring to recover costs to cover development and processing. Every penny went on the screen. 3 min of finished film, took weeks to create and produce. Which is no different than major productions, just smaller scale.

NFT Drop

A limited supply of uniquely numbered NFT’s are minted, and offered directly to collectors who subscriber on these whitelists.

Edition size and market price is based on its cost and scale of production.

Individuals who become owners, are free to experience, hold or trade the NFT in the open market platforms such as OpenSea, where market value will be set entirely by the market.

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Collect exclusive NFT

Upcoming NFT productions will be shot on varying levels of scale, in the following categories; 8mm collection, 16mm collection, 35mm collection, 70mm collection and Digital Collection. With budgets ranging from a few thousand to hundred thousand in production cost.

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AKTOR in association with KAMARA presents RYAN WIIK productions of MASTERSON NFT'S 

© Ryan Wiik